Community Education

Our communities are our backbone.

Both leaders and community members will benefit from increased awareness of the issues that individuals, families, and institutions are facing. All leaders, community members, and people need more awareness of the issues individuals, families, and institutions are encountering.  We need a unified approach to bring about change. We collaborate with community members and leaders to educate all regarding trauma-informed care and awareness and assist with community-wide offerings to educate and prevent and offer resources in the community.

Mindfully aware offers community retreats, workshops, and consultations with government leaders.

Community Leaders 

Our community leaders are positioned to assist our communities in raising awareness of child sexual abuse.  We are equipped to educate and engage in open discussion with our leaders so they better understand the topic of child sexual abuse and ways to keep our communities safe.  

Utilizing our Adult SEL model we will help our leaders not only understand the scope of the problem but also equipped our leaders with SEL tools. These skills will allow leaders to share their knowledge base while reaffirming the importance of caring for self while moving important issues through our government leaders.

PTA Training 

While school districts respond effectively to Erin’s Law, many leaders have been met with public concern and resistance due to the sensitive nature of this topic. We are here to engage community members in open-format discussions while educating parents on the topic of safety.  In order to teach the whole child, it is imperative to have public support and awareness.  As a group of licensed clinical social workers, Mindfully Aware is uniquely equipped to engage the community in awareness building. 

We will utilize our parent-crafted curriculum to help with not only teaching parents about child safety but also carry over lessons created for students into our parent curriculum.  This way each school will be reinforcing learning concepts both at home and school.